Your support will improve AAPI mental health and save lives!

In November 2023, UCA WAVES registered as an independent 501c3 non-profit organization in the state of North Carolina.

UCA WAVES is a youth mental health collaborative that seeks to provide support among Asian American families. Asian American youth often suffer “silently” with stress, social isolation, cultural expectations, identity issues, and low mental health literacy. These are only some of the barriers that stand in the way of getting help. In response, we as a collaborative community are here to stand together and work towards Wellness, Advocacy, Voices, Education, and Support (WAVES).

Please consider joining us in this mission. Every dollar given goes directly to our life-changing programs!

Make a generous donation

Please support WAVES to improve AAPI mental health and save lives!


3 Other Ways to Donate to WAVES

  • 1.Bank Direct Transfer
    Zelle: Please provide your email address when donating via Zelle.
  • 2. Check
    Make check payable to UCA WAVES and mail the check to: UCA WAVES 1050 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036 Please write your Name and Email on the memo line of your check.
  • 3. Wire Transfer
    Account Name: United Chinese Americans Inc Bank Name: Chase Bank Routing Number: 044000037 Account Number: 662089363